Types of road construction
Parkland County has four programs to repair the roads. The County is responsible for all Township and Range Roads and subdivision roads but not numbered highways.
Road Construction
When a road needs to be completely repaired, it will be reconstructed. The entire surface is removed and replaced. Sometimes the road will be widened and other safety measures added.
Road Construction Before
Road Construction After
Asphalt Surfacing
Asphalt surfacing is used when the base of the road is in good condition and only the surface needs to be replaced. This work removes the old asphalt and places new asphalt on the road.
Seal coat surfacing
Also known as "chip sealing", seal coating is used on roads that are already paved and do not have a lot of traffic. A thin layer of hot asphalt applied, then covered in fine gravel and the excess gravel is swept away. The seal coating makes the road rougher which provides more skid resistance.
Subdivision Preservation
Many residential roads were initially built by developers and turned over to the County. When these roads are in need of repair, the County will use one of the methods listed above to repair the road.