March 2, 2018

Construction of Roads and Highways
*NOTE: If the road you are looking for is not listed, no conditions have been reported for that roadway.
You can view current road conditions by any of the categories listed below. Please read the following instructions before searching.
- To view specific road conditions, such as flood, construction, etc., use the Condition list.
- To view conditions by county, use the Texas County list.
- To view conditions by roadway, use the Texas Roadway list.
- For specific results, use more than one list. Example: Select Flood (condition), Travis (county) and I-35 (roadway) to see all flood conditions on I-35 in Travis County.
for current road conditions.
Map Search
Note: Road conditions can change quickly. Although we try to update information as soon as possible, we are not assuming any responsibility for any damages if you rely on it. We offer no warranty that this report is accurate or complete.