Iron Crusher
On tap, pours a hazy golden color with small white head and nice lacing. Notes of grapefruit, orange, papaya, 2 row, pineapple, cracker and light grain. A more bitter and slightly more boozy all day from founders. Its crisp and refreshing. Very enjoyable pale ale.
AROMA 8/10 APPEARANCE 3/5 TASTE 8/10 PALATE 4/5 OVERALL 17/20on tap at Maple Shade - very good "west coast" session ipa. Pale golden color. Citrusy/grapefruity aroma and flavor.
AROMA 8/10 APPEARANCE 4/5 TASTE 7/10 PALATE 3/5 OVERALL 14/20Draught from a sample plate at the brewery (Ardmore) on May 1, 2016.
Clear golden color, white head with lacing. Hoppy, citrus, bitter taste. Citrus aftertaste. Medium mouthfeel, medium bitterness. Citrus, hoppy scent.
AROMA 7/10 APPEARANCE 3/5 TASTE 6/10 PALATE 3/5 OVERALL 14/20On tap at Ardmore. Pours a clear golden yellow with a finger of foamy white head. Aroma of peaches, grapefruit, caramel malt, and hints of pine. Taste mimics the nose. Slightly soapy.
AROMA 8/10 APPEARANCE 4/5 TASTE 8/10 PALATE 4/5 OVERALL 16/20Can only from Phoenixville. Poured hazy straw with off-white head. Nose was hops, pale malt, grapefruit, stone fruit. Hoppy taste, with complex tropical and stone fruity flavor and a smooth finish. Stays pretty bitter, and I prefer that over over-sweet IPAs.
AROMA 7/10 APPEARANCE 4/5 TASTE 6/10 PALATE 3/5 OVERALL 14/20Cask Conditioned @ Maple Shade location. Good, well served via cask, the soft carbonation played well with the resiny hops. Aromas were strong an nice lacing. Flavors conventional citrus and light tropical. Enjoyable.
AROMA 7/10 APPEARANCE 3/5 TASTE 7/10 PALATE 3/5 OVERALL 17/20Pours a light gold with a thick white head. Aroma of bitter citrus and pine. Taste follows, with a feint malt profile in the back end. Solid.
AROMA 7/10 APPEARANCE 3/5 TASTE 7/10 PALATE 3/5 OVERALL 15/20Pour was golden clear with a very thin head. Aroma of citrus and fruits. Flavor followed with some melons and cereal malts. Mouthfeel was moderate for an IPA and a little deep for a session, kinda liked this for 5%. Good deal.
AROMA 6/10 APPEARANCE 3/5 TASTE 6/10 PALATE 4/5 OVERALL 15/20Golden copper pour with a white soapy head. Aroma of pine, citrus, and toasted malt. Flavorful with citrus and resin notes and some toasted malt. Nice beer.