July 20, 2017

How to operate a Reach Truck?
The RTITB Reach Truck Operator training course will give you the skills to operate a reach truck safely and efficiently, carry out a pre-use inspection, and recall the causes of truck and load instability. The course covers, but is not limited to, the following areas;
- Lift truck controls and instruments
- Starting/moving/stopping and steering the truck
- Operation of hydraulic controls
- Battery care
- Weight assessment
- Handling laden and unladen pallets
- Driving on/off ramps and inclines
- Stacking and destacking
- The operators’ safety code
Course Durations (for 3 people):
- Novice candidate: 37.5 hours
- Experienced (but untrained) candidate: 20 hours
- Refresher (recommended every 3 years) candidate: 7.5 hours
- Conversion candidate: 15 hours
Last year over 9, 000 people completed and passed RTITB reach lift truck training and testing and achieved their internationally recognised RTITB Certificate of Basic Operator Training.