How to operate a Crane truck?
Radio Controlled Cranes
The older style of crane truck is operated via two joysticks positioned inside the cab. However, many of the newer machines can now be operated remotely. This is much safer, because if anything does go wrong with the truck or the crane, the operator is not stationed directly inside it. The risk of a fatality is significantly reduced, and the danger of falling components crushing or trapping the individual is all but eliminated.
Computer Aided Control
Almost all modern crane cabs contain a special computer that is used to help operators make valuable lift calculations. The operator only has to input data about the weight, height, and path of an object and the machine will suggest the most suitable method of transportation. This technology has greatly improved the safety of crane trucks because it leaves less margin for error and reduces the impact of human inaccuracies.
The Job Site Must Be Suitable
It is not just the crane itself that needs to be inspected and checked for faults before use. The work site can be just as dangerous if there are obstacles left in the path of the machine. Before any kind of load is moved, the supervisor or foreman needs to ensure that the ground and area above it is completely free of other objects and disruptions. If there are overhead power lines close to the lift site, a safe lifting route should be mapped out first.
Keeping Your Employees Safe is a Top Priority
The safety and security of all onsite employees should be the top priority when operating any kind of construction crane. While incorrect handling may also put stock in danger, it is the risk to life that must come first. It is certainly true that not all accidents can be foreseen or avoided but, with the right training, the risk can be substantially reduced.