Reach truck Controls
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Would you purchase an RV to use for your daily commute to work in the city, or use a sports car for hauling lumber to job sites? Sounds ridiculous, however some companies make comparable mistakes when procuring lift trucks for their operations. There is an enormous variety of configurations and options available for the modern lift truck going far beyond weight capacity and lift height. Doing a little homework up front to ensure you are choosing the best vehicles for your operation will result in optimal utilization of your space and labor while maintaining a high safety factor.
Before making a decision on the best vehicle for your operation you must have a thorough understanding of the properties of the materials you will be handling (loads), the methods you will use to store these materials and the methods you will use to ship and receive these materials. Once this is done you should familiarize yourself with the variety of vehicles and options available (see my Lift Truck Pics page and also spend some time at the various manufacturers sites listed on my