Road construction photos
Bridge abutment and pier column east of Peck Road is complete. The contractor is currently placing concrete for the slope pavement. Installation of the shoring system for the bridge piers west of Peck Road is complete. The excavation will allow the contractor to drill the foundation for the future bridge piers.
The installation of struts and whalers was completed, allowing the contractor to proceed with excavation of the south side of the off-street access road.
The installation of a tieback shoring system at Peck Road continues. The shoring system will allow excavation and removal of an abandoned concrete abutment and rip rap is obstructing the placement of the piers required for the new railroad bridge.
The north side of Workman Mill Road was closed temporarily as the grade of the street was raised. The work was completed and the street was reopened at the end of November.
The shoring system for the access road was removed. Exacavation was completed, connecting the access road north and south of railroad tracks. The southern railroad bridge was also set.
Irrigation and landscaping, which included planting trees, laying down sod, and hydroseeding, was completed at the end of September.
Certain segments of the wall have been completed as shown in the photo to the left. Construction of the retaining wall along the railroad right-of-way will continue through the remainder of the project.
An overview of the PHIMF shows the progress of yard construction as well as the outline of the access road.
Half of the PHIMF has been paved, light poles have been erected, perimeter walls have been installed, and administrative and maintenance buildings are near completion.
Construction of the railroad bridge over the access road connecting the Puente Hills Materials Recovery Facility and the PHIMF is ongoing.
Work on a new railroad bridge over Peck Road to accommodate waste-by-rail trains commenced in February 2012 and will continue through 2013.
View of the interior training center/conference room in the adminstration building.
A tieback retaining wall is being constructed to replace a concrete embankment at the State Route 60 and railroad crossing near Crossroads Parkway South. The tieback retaining wall will provide horizontal clearance for a new railraod track for the PHIMF project.
The access road connecting the Puente Hills Materials Recovery Facility and the PHIMF is mostly completed. The remaining portion involves construction of a railroad bridge where the access road will cross underneath the railroad tracks.