Stone Crushing Plants
When we talking about stone crushing process it is very important to discus about Anand Talc because it has all kind of units for processing.
Aggregates are the most widely used products resulting from extracting and processing non-metallic construction materials.
The apparent simplicity of aggregates production, which involves rock crushing, is misleading, because contemporary production technologies for construction materials and the products based on them continuously set higher demands for the quality of aggregates used, for the most part, as filler in the production of concretes, asphalt-concretes, and road surfaces.Step 1. Developing deposits and extracting rubble stone
Aggregates production technology includes two main stages. The first stage is extracting stone rubble. The second stage is processing the rubble into aggregates (via crushing and screening).Primary raw material
There are four main types of raw material used for producing aggregates:
- Hard (magmatic) rock (granite, basalt, etc.);
- Sedimentary rock minerals (limestone, sand gravel and pebble);
- Secondary aggregates acquired in the process of crushing construction wastes, such as concrete, bricks and asphalt;
- Slag crushed stone obtained from crushing heaped metallurgical slag or by the special fire-liquid slag melt treatment (molten slag aggregate).
Deposits of sedimentary non-metallic materials, in particular the alluvial types (pebbles, gravel and sand) that get deposited in permanent water currents (rivers and streams), are rarely seen because they are almost completely exhausted. Gradually they have been substituted by sea gravel deposits, which became an excellent alternative material. Its geological nature is the same as river gravel's. Sea gravel can serve as a raw material for high quality concrete and is good for making innovative concretes.