Rock Crushing Plants
The hard rock crusher solution! We developed the JCRD hard rock crusher plant specifically for crushing stone and gravity recovery of minerals in clean, hard rock ore bodies. The plant uses a 2-stage Jaw Crushing and RD Wet Impactor crushing circuit, followed by the required concentration modules such as a Knelson or Spirals circuit.
The JCRD combination leads to superior precious minerals liberation due to the combined impact crushing and grinding mechanisms. The RD can provide improved liberation at particle sizes courser than a ball mill for significantly lower capital and energy requirements.
Firstly, hard rock material is fed into the grizzly, where is is separated to size. It then goes via the conveyor to the JC, where material is then crushed to a smaller size and passed again on a conveyer to the RD, where final crushing occurs, turning rock to dust. From the RD, crushed material is fed into a Knelson Gravity Concentrator and the crusher liberated gold is recovered. The high quality concentrate produced is then run over the shaking table to produce a smeltable product.
As a standalone module, the JCRD hard rock crushing plants can be combined with an alluvial RG scrubbing plant to provide a complete solution for both alluvial and hard rock mineral recovery. These are referred to as "combo plants", a hard rock crushing and wash plant combination.
These hard rock crusher plants come pre-packaged, pre-plumbed and pre-wired, with all the necessary components needed. These plants range from the ground-breaker size, through to larger-scale mining operations.