Wheel Loaders for Rental
Wheel loaders are tractor vehicles used to scoop up and move asphalt, debris, dirt, feed, gravel, sand, snow or other loose material, or load it into or onto dump trucks, hoppers, rail-cars or other vehicles or machinery.
Like their tracked counterparts, wheel loaders consist of a front-mounted, square bucket fastened to the end of two booms used to pick up loose material, such as dirt, sand or gravel. The loader can either be removable or permanently attached; if removable, it can be replaced with other attachments, such as container-lifting forks or other tools that allow it to perform other tasks such as dozing and scraping.
Wheel loaders also can be used for digging, laying pipe, clearing brush and other uses.
Wheel loaders are maneuverable, controlled by articulated steering, using a hydraulically actuated pivot point exactly between the front and rear axles.
Sizes of wheel loaders vary, ranging from compact wheel loaders to enormous, 1, 400-horsepower models.