September 7, 2021

Giant Wheel Loader
Bucket volumes are ISO rated - Standard skidsteer attachment bracket
- This manure container is useful for equine management and livestock shows. Available in different sizes!
- Electrically driven (12v rear connection necessary) with rugged 45 gal. tank and up to 13ft. spreading width.
- High quality snow removal tool for home and company owners. Available widths 51 inch and 59 inch. Extra hydraulic pump necessary! Contact us for pricing.
- Enables you to easily handle heavy logs, fencing poles etc.
- This powerful tool will split thick logs with ease! Logs can be split into firewood or fencing poles. Uprooted tree stumps are reduced to go into the shredder. The hydraulically powered, rotating splitter is designed to split logs with ease and strength.
- A true landscaping attachment; no more back pain but quick and efficient hedge cutting with our unique hedge cutting tool!
- Rugged hydraulic log clamp for forestry activities.
- Drill/dig accurate and quick for fencing and construction tasks. Other buying options: – Standard auger engine (capable for augers up to ∅15.7 inch) – Heavy auger engine (capable for augers up to ∅39.3 inch) – Single augers of different diameters: m inc
- Increase the versatility of your loader. A Giant wheel loader can take up all property maintenance tasks, including snow removal. We offer 3 sizes. Contact us for more information and specs.
Increase the capabilities of your loader with our mowing deck; suitable for all kinds of grass and brush. Maintain your lawn and company property effortlessly.
- This flail is mower is an addition to our standard flail mower. Equipped with a collecting bucket, this mower will leave your mowed area clean and tidy. Hydraulics: double function + leakoil necessary
- Cut heavy grass and scrub with our flail mower. Get even more versatility and functionality out of your loader with this highly capable attachment.
- Experience the convenience of our Sweepers ECO and PLUS Standard version with 59 inch broom width and 20.4 inch broom diameter and: – Giant attachment bracket – Surface stabilized – Mechanical horizontal adjustment – Waste pick-up bucket (6. 35 ft³) – Height adjustable wheels Optional: – Hydraulic horizontal adjustment – Hydraulic emptying of waste bucket – […]
- Experience the convenience of our Sweepers ECO and PLUS Standard version with 59 inch broom width and 20.4 inch broom diameter and: – Giant attachment bracket – Surface stabilized – Mechanical horizontal adjustment – Waste pick-up bucket (4.76 ft³) – Height adjustable wheels Optional: – Hydraulic horizontal adjustment – Hydraulic emptying of waste bucket – Side […]
- We offer standard and heavy bale forks. Quality made and durable materials ensure a long lifespan.
- Bale claw for all types of bales. Double or single claw option.
- Bale clamp for square bales with back clamp. Clamp closed: 27.5 inch Clamp opened: 45.2 inch Clamp weight: 408 lbs.
- Bale clamp for square and round bales. Heavy version. Clamp closed: 28.34 inch Clamp opened: 82.6 inch Clamp weight: 661 lbs.
- Bale clamp for square and round bales. Standard/light version. Clamp closed: 28.3 inch Clamp opened: 74.8 inch Clamp weight: 485 lbs.
For round bales. Standard/light version. Clamp opened: 59 inch Clamp closed: 42.1 inch Clamp weight: 363 lbs.
- Clean out calf pens and other livestock housings with our straw collector. Contact us for more info and specs.
- Bed all kinds of livestock housing with our solution for straw blowing/dividing. This compact wheel loader attachment is a head turner, seen as a perfect ‘compact solution’ for bedding livestock barns. Bale sizes/dimensions suited for the straw blower: 47 x 35 inch 35 x 35 inch Leakoil connection necessary.
- Mix rations for livestock. – 42.2 inch bucket width at top (scoop width) – Discharge at both sides – 1 vertical mixing auger with knives – Electrically / hydraulically controlled side doors (12 volt connection necessary)
- Cut neat blocks of silage with our special silage grab. Prevents silage waste and leaves clean and sealed silage wall.
- Standard scrapers and hydraulically adjustable scrapers for feed and manure. *manually adjustable corners Standard hydraulically adjustable
- Efficiently attach this scraping/pushing blade to our manure forks. Blade width: 51.18 inch
- Compact Giant offers standard, heavy duty and side-shift pallet forks. Contact us for more sizes.
- Increase the dump height of your loader using our high tip bucket. Ideally suited for loading mixer wagons and high-side trucks. Increases dump height +- 3 ft Use our high tip bucket with grapple for even more capacity.
- Increase the dump height of your loader (+-3ft) using our high tip bucket. Ideally suited for loading mixer wagons and high-side trucks.
- Wastebucket with improved capabilities. Sides and closure plate (halfway) always included.
- Move larger quantities of produce, commodities and such with our volume bucket. Not to be used for digging.
- Large quantities of products can be moved with our volumebucket with grapple. Not to be used for digging.
- Can be used as a standard bucket, but also: – Load mixer wagons more conveniently – Grab and lift all kinds of objects (branches, gravel etc) – Unload/distribute gravel and sand evenly – Use bucket as a leveller: drag bucket forward and backward.
- – Create precise rations for livestock – Collect leftover feed to use as key-point indicator (KPI) by simply scraping up the leftovers with bucket – Built-in weighing system – Different sizes and capacities – one or more augers – High quality, stainless steel Contact us for more information.