Water Truck Hire
The State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry (State), solicits offers for the rental of equipment from the private sector to assist in wildfire suppression and other emergency support in the Kenai Peninsula, Anchorage, Mat-Su Valley, Southwest Alaska, Copper River Basin, Fairbanks, Delta, and Tok areas. The most common types of equipment used are dozers, ATV's, fuel and water trucks, 4X4 trucks, and boats.
The Division of Forestry is pleased to announce that we are now accepting on line Emergency Equipment Rental Agreements (EERA) applications for the upcoming contractual cycle. You are required to establish an account online and then access the system using your user name and password. This gives you the ability to enter all of the hiring information regarding your equipment quickly and easily. You can access your account to add or delete equipment anytime.
The online OLAS Application site is located at:
Contractors who rent equipment with operator must carry adequate commercial liability insurance to protect the Contractor and the State from loss arising from the performance for an order for service. The minimum amount of liability insurance is $300, 000.00 combined single limit per occurrence. However, for passenger carrying buses, the minimum amount of liability insurance is $1, 000, 000.00 combined single limit per occurrence. Proof of insurance should be available with each piece of equipment and presented upon demand when requested by a representative of the State. Contractor equipment hired without operator does not require liability insurance.
Contractors who rent equipment with operator must also carry and maintain Worker's Compensation coverage for each of their employees engaged in work under this type of hire, as required by Alaska Statute AS 23.30.045.
All equipment rentals shall be offered on an Emergency Equipment Rental Agreement (OF-294), and covered by the State of Alaska Conditions of Hire for Emergency Equipment Rental Agreement Form OF-294. Both the Contractor and the State sign the Emergency Equipment Rental Agreement Form.