Potable Water Tanker Trucks
However, the water that the tanker truck is transporting can be used for temporary storage in a tank or it can be for immediate usage.
Water hauling is needed only in case if a water source is contaminated or when the source of water is physically separated from the user, or if the user is unable to install a water supply.
Mostly water delivery is made in small quantities and is considered as an inefficient method. Whereas people living in the areas where the water is cut off usually have a temporary construction and they have a water delivery often.
Initially bulk water delivery is done using cisterns and tanks. As has been noted bulk water delivery can be done for restaurants, industrial camp locations, camp grounds, polls as well as for golf courses.
Accordingly to the given rules and regulations the water for bulk delivery should be from a regulated source. In addition some of the rules for bulk water hauling are:
- The employees that are hauling the bulk water that deliver equipment as hoses should maintain very good hygiene practices to prevent bulk water contamination;
- Bulk water should not be stored in a bulk water tank for more than 3 days;
- The certified operator should be present when he is receiving the water for delivery as well as when the delivery is made;
Turning Water Hauling Business Into Gold
You want to own a business that makes a good cash flow? Nowadays an exceptionally good business idea is to incorporate a hauling water company.
Whether you decide to start your business as a home based potable water hauling service, or you prefer to buy already established water hauling business, you are definitely going to make more money.
With a water hauling business you are going to be able to provide water services to commercial, municipality and residential customers.
You must be careful when choosing the equipment for your business. The equipment should be designed and built to reduce down time and to increase the efficiency through any climate.
The best trucks for this industry are the single and tandem axle water trucks.
Source: www.ecmenergy.com
As a self-propelled and towed vehicles, the water hauling vehicles have attached water tank, some of them have pump and some don’t . These vehicles have also hoses and accessory equipment which is required for filling and distribution of water.
Another key point when it comes to this business is choosing the drivers. The operators of these trucks must have a Water Hauler’s License.
Obtaining Water Hauler’s License
- Firstly, the haulers that have category B license can haul potable water or any food product including: wine, syrup, fruit concentrates and soft drink concentrates. They are not allowed to haul non-food products.
- Secondly, the haulers that have category X are allowed to haul only potable water, they cannot haul other materials.
When the water haulers obtain license they will have to go through some periodic inspections to make sure that they are respecting the State and Federal laws and regulations. The inspections can include water testing, equipment maintenance and sanitations, and record-keeping.
The contracted haulers are estimated that they derive maximum profit when they deliver a load of water to a rural cistern located near the city limits. So far the largest group that is transporting water are the individual haulers.
Key Point Of Owning A Water Hauling Business – Maintaining A Clean Water Tank
Prior to establishing a successful water hauling business is having in mind that – any water tank used for bulk water hauling must be used only for hauling bulk water.
Disinfection means everything. To clean your water hauling truck first of all you have to fill it with potable water and you should hold it for at least 24 hours. After 24 hours quality samples should be taken from the tank in order for the water to be analyzed.
After 24 hours water tanks should be fully drained. Thereupon should be added a dose of 50mg of chlorine to the surfaces of the water tanks that are in contact with potable water. The water tank should stay like that again for 24 hours.
On the other hand after the disinfection period is over the water truck once again should be drained. After being drained the tank should be refilled with potable water.
At the end water quality samples should be collected from the tank. The main things that should be checked are: the total coliform bacteria, HPC, and physical parameters (taste, odor, pH, turbidity), IOCs (inorganic contaminants) and VOCs (organic contaminants).
If you keep the water in bleach, keep it without adding scent. If the water is clear then add 1/8 teaspoon of household liquid bleach to 1 gallon of water. You should mix it well and wait 30 minutes or more and after that period of time you can drink it.
Federal And State Requirements For Water Hauling Trucks
Every Truck Hauling Company must fulfill the terms and conditions to take the operating permit. Those terms and conditions are prescribed in Section 8 of the “Drinking Water Protection Act”.
In order for the company to operate must respect the following requirements:
- “Tank truck or vehicles water tanks and associated equipment, which have been approved for potable water delivery, shall be used for no other purpose unless prior written approval has been obtained from the Drinking Water Officer;”
- “The storage tank and all other equipment shall be free from contamination during filling, storage, transportation and delivery;”
- “The water hauled shall maintain an activity log on each vehicle that includes all tank maintenance;”
- “Water in the tank needs to be adequately disinfected to ensure a minimum free chlorine residual of 0.2 mg/l at the point of delivery;”
- “Each water hauling vehicle shall have a copy of the operation and maintenance procedures, which shall include disinfection procedures, fill and back flow prevention procedures;”
- “All tank truck or vehicle water tanks must be clearly labeled “DRINKING WATER” in bold weather-resistant letters; all removable/transferable equipment shall also be labeled “DRINKING WATER” in bold lettering. The Lettering must be permanently affixed to the surface;”
- “When not in use, being cleaned or drained dry, water delivery hoses not stored in a secure hose compartment shall be capped at both ends or as otherwise recommended by the hose manufacturer;”
Requirements Of Public Water Supplier Using Bulk Water
- “Detailed directions to the water system and any access limitations to the tank;”
- “Diameter of the fill pipe on the tank;”
- “The thread pitch or other description of the connection point;”
- “Indicate whether a pump is necessary to unload the water;”
- “Road and bridge weight restrictions en route to the water system;”
- “An estimated number of loads that will be required;”
- “Disinfection. Please request that the transported water be disinfected ;”