Gravel road Grader
Limit speeds on your driveway/road. If drivers stay below about 20 mph (32 km/h) (hence the 15 mph (24 km/h) sign since everyone speeds), then the road will not "washboard, " pothole, or otherwise deteriorate as fast as with higher speeds.
Get a tractor. The tractor is probably the most important (and, most expensive) piece of equipment needed. The front loader is very valuable if you want to move gravel or dirt. It can also be used for some snow plowing.
Get a 'box scraper'. It is important to have enough tractor horsepower to pull the selected scraper. Recommendations are usually for about 5hp per foot of scraper width. You can get by with somewhat less horsepower as long as your transmission is strong-enough and you go slower.{{largeimage|Cat Scraper.jpg} "Professional" Version - Far smaller ones are available for use behind a small tractor.}
Have a chain harrow. A chain harrow is useful for smoothing. You won't need it for every maintenance session, but it is invaluable for smoothing out washboarding during dry periods. You will be limited as to when you can work on the road as it ages - basically unless you have professional-level equipment or a loose surface, you will need to wait for rain or snow to soften the surface. The harrow can help in the dry season, but the box scraper is the ultimate tool.
Use a grader blade. The grader blade is useful to move gravel or dirt back toward the center of the road. Traffic, snow plowing, and even the box scraper tends to move material out towards the edges of the road. Periodically, if you run the grader blade (set at an angle) along the edges of the road, you can move the edge material back towards the center of the road. This will reduce you costs for gravel for resurfacing. Remove the pin to allow the blade to rotate along the axis of the tractor (the back pin on the grader blade).
Work on the road/driveway. Unless the surface is loose (loose gravel or soft dirt), you will probably have to wait for it to be what is call "juicy" (wet after a soaking rain, basically). The grader blade can be used to return gravel/dirt back toward the middle of the road - if you don't have much gravel or loose dirt on your drive/road, then this can reduce your costs for buying gravel.