Earth Movers companies
..Thriveni Earthmovers [TEMPL]...takes utmost care of its employees in regard to their health, safety and welfare. The Company always gives high respect and value to its employees who play an important role for its growth...TEMPL has always and strictly complied all the labour and social welfare legislation which are applicable.The allegations made against the company are factually incorrect and ex-facie it appears that some business rival or motivated individuals are trying to malign the reputation of company for some ulterior purpose. So the allegation made against the company for harassment, dismissal and threatening workers who are trying to form union is completely false and denied...[The] [a]llegation against our Managing Director for threatening to any worker in any form is absolutely false, fabricated and mala fide. TEMPL is having operations in different States such as Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu etc. and any of our employees can be deployed or re-located as per the requirement of the project. Only in extreme cases where any employee wilfully and persistently disobeys instructions of the company or indulges himself into any misconduct; disciplinary actions are taken against such employee(s) as per applicable provisions of law and upon compliance of due process.
- Related stories: India: Thriveni Earthmovers accused of dismissing & threatening unionists - company denies claims
- This is a response from the following companies: Thriveni Earthmovers
Author: IndustriALL
Thriveni is a large scale Indian mining company that sells coal and iron ore to the global market leaders such as Tata Steel. The organizing drive is being conducted by IndustriALL Global Union affiliate HKMF, the national mineworkers union, and supported by the IndustriALL project to organize workers in the steel, mining and energy sectors of India...Workers...organized the Thriveni Mazdoor Sabha union from September 2014, with 250 already members and 850 further supporting workers. Thriveni already sacked seven leading organizers on 16 September...IndustriALL is informed that B Prabhakaran, the Thriveni owner and Managing Director threatened the union president, Panchratna Mahakud saying that he will be sent thousands of kilometers away and killed. Brother Panchratna was ultimately dismissed on 22 June on sham charges.HKMF has been forced to raise its case with the Ministry of Labour and Indian Prime Minister’s Office, and is supported in this by INMF, the IndustriALL affiliated national metalworkers federation.