DIY concrete Curbing machine
Rated 4.7 out of 5 by 3 reviewers.
Rated 5 out of 5 by pat2540 curbing this curbing machine works great my wife and I used it and did over 400 foot of curbing and looks like a pro did it cost was around .37 per foot instead of 5.00 a foot watch utube and learn how to mix your mud and rock and roll 5 to 1 mix September 15, 2016
Rated 5 out of 5 by Mjw2k4 Money well spent These units are solid, easy to use, and last a long time. Working with the cement is a different story and can be a real challenge but as far as the equipment goes, it is top notch. Ours has been used for thousands of feet with minimal problems. June 29, 2016
Rated 4 out of 5 by SandR Great machine for starting a business. I originally purchased the machine for personal use. After using it on my home, I decided to start a business with this machine. It is cheaper to use than the gasoline machine and less noise. One downfall is the 3/4 hp motor, could use a 1 hp motor. The machine works from a1000 watt inverter and power cord, which is great. I have carried a generator just in case but have not used it for the machine. People like the electric motor because of the noise reduction. August 11, 2008