Concrete Mixer shot Recipes
Hey Survivalists,
We’ve just released Alpha 15 Stable. Its the biggest content drop to date. We hope you like it and as always would like your feedback and help reporting and reproducing bugs.
This update has some big framework changes so starting a new game is a must. Please don’t try to salvage your old saved game. And for those of you that experience any problems please use your steam client to delete local files and reinstall the game. Also wiping your player profile data might be helpful.
For a complete list of Alpha 15 release notes read on!
Navezgane world updates
Random Gen Worlds 3.0
We’ve greatly improved random gen with many improvements and additions including:
Journal Tip System
A new journal tip system has been added to the main in game menu signified by a pen icon. The system writes all old tips and has over 20 new conditionally based in-game tips that pop out with a right screen notification. Players can at their leisure read these tips on advanced gameplay system teaching players everything from gun assembly when finding their first gun to harvesting with the best tool after killing their first animal.
Trader and Economy System
We have added NPC traders to the game at 5 unique White River settlements signified by a White River Flag and a Traitor Joel’s sign. These Settlements and NPCs appear in both Navezgane and Random Gen Worlds. NPCs include Trader Joel, Trader Rekt, Trader Bob, Trader Hugh and Trader Jimmy. The settlements are 100% land protected, players cannot build near them and players will be teleported out when the traders are closed so they cannot be exploited as a night time safe haven. Traders announce over loudspeakers when they are open, closed and about to close. When they close they lock their gate and turn off their open sign. When they open they unlock their gate and turn on their open sign. It is wise to close the gate behind you so you don’t let the zombies follow you into a settlement.
The in-game economy uses Duke coins and players can see how many they have in the upper right corner of their backpack. Traders will restock items periodically so check back often. They also have a secret stash category signified by a safe icon which offers special items based on your level and perks. Some items can only be bought or sold in bundles. Traders are open for business between dawn and dusk. Invest in the Barter skill and Secret the Stash perk to get better deals and see better items with traders.
We also added a new ‘White River Citizen’ quest to find Trader Outposts. The Quest is received when completing the ‘Basics of Survival’ quest chain.
Vending Machines
There are three types of vending machines: beverage vending machines found at stores, rentable trader protected vending machines found at Trader Settlements, and player owned vending machines which can only be acquired through a Trader’s Secret Stash. All vending Machines use Duke Coins which can be found in the world or acquired through selling items to Traders. You can see how much money you have in the upper right of your inventory.
NPCs can purchase from your rented vending machine so it’s wise to keep it well stocked and not mark up the items too high. If you buy your own vending machine it’s wise to put it in your land claim area as other players with effort can destroy them and steal your goods. Use these at your own risk as vending machine raiding ‘griefing’ will be possible. Note rented or player owned vending machines can be password shared if you want to let a friend use all of your vending machines functions.
Blood Moon Horde Party System
We have added a partying system that groups players together into parties of one or more players within a minimum distance. These parties will now each get their own blood moon horde.